

Ok, so I’m a designer. 

I’m also a minimalist, type nerd, and taco snob. I’ve hiked all 2,194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail and am currently teaching myself how to play the harmonica. I’m a Denver transplant who’s Boston accent is sometimes very noticeable (only sometimes though, I promise). 

I love design because I love to make things make sense. I love to discover, tinker, discuss and finesse. I believe that good design takes time (well…as much as you can give me), collaboration and a playful mindset. I don’t know if I can actually take a punch but with over 12 years of professional experience working in agencies, in-house, and freelance, I know I’ve developed some diverse skills and tough skin.

If you feel that I may be a good fit for your team, project or just want to learn more, please reach out and let’s discuss.